Please, take your time reading the forum rules before posting anything!

As we aren't a big community yet, the rules will be kept simple from now. Further changes are possible in the future.

  • Be respectful towards others. No racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism or slurs will be tolerated. No harassment either.

  • Post into the right Topics! We want to keep the forum as tidy and easy to navigate as possible.

  • This is not a dating forum. Flirting with others might result in a temporary ban.

  • Absolutely NO grooming. Creating an account and participating in the forum while being a minor is allowed, but any suspicious interactions towards minors will result in an immediate ban from the forum altogether.

  • Keep it SFW! Everything posted in the forum has to be Safe For Work. That means no gore, porn or anything of the like. Linking to malicious or NSFW sites will lead into a ban.

  • You CAN apply to become a moderator! If interested, please send a private message to any of the existing moderators or the admin.

  • Keep the self promotion to a minimum. While posting your own content (covers, dances, fanart...) make sure it doesn't categorize as spam. Spamming in the forum will result in an immediate ban.

Please follow these rules as best as you can. Our priority is to keep this forum safe for everyone. Have fun!